Some buzz from around the web

The master of picture book satire
— Jama Rattigan
This guy’s walking the line. Taking chances. Putting it out there.
— MotherReader
...for God’s sake, will somebody please offer Minh Le a book deal? Seriously. I’m tired of seeing him not getting paid for this kind of stuff.
— Betsy Bird, A Fuse #8 Production
The... complete and utter randomness! It’ll make you smile.
— Finding Wonderland
His reviews and commentary are witty and racy. Not to everyone’s genteel taste perhaps but I certainly appreciate his slightly off angle and off-color perspective.
— Through the Magic Door
a funny, funny, funny blog about picture books… Did I mention that it’s funny?
— Wizards Wireless
“ obscenely talented and very funny writer, and I know, without question, that he has many wonderful picture books in him”
— Jules Danielson, Seven Impossible Things Before Breakfast