“I highly recommend Minh Le to any school or organization seeking an enriching and unforgettable experience for their students. His talent, enthusiasm, and dedication to fostering a love for reading make him an invaluable addition to any educational program.”
photo credit: Ryan Magee, Convent & Stuart Hall, Schools of the Sacred Heart
“Not only did Minh spark creativity and ignite a passion for reading, but he also imparted valuable lessons about kindness, family, and the power of imagination. Our students were enthralled by the colorful characters and the adventures they embarked upon. The teachers were impressed with his abilities to capture their students’ attention and his crowd management skills.”
-Dale Jenne, Convent & Stuart Hall, Schools of the Sacred Heart
For me, the best part of being a children’s book author is connecting with readers. I always tell readers that for me, a book isn’t done until it’s being read. So visiting schools and getting to meet with students and share a love of books and reading is my favorite thing to do.
I have met with students of all ages and in all grades always tailor my presentations to the audience. I aim to make our time together as interactive and engaging as possible, so during a visit I can cover a variety of topics, including (but not limited to):
An interactive picture book reading and discussion of the power of reading, creative writing, and the imagination
My life as an author—including how my journey as an author began with my journey as a reader
A behind-the-scenes look how to make picture books and/or graphic novels
Drawing upon family experience to tell stories that resonate with broad audiences
The importance of diverse literature
An in-depth examination of visual storytelling and how to use images to tell your story
Click on the link above to reach the wonderful Author Village and learn more about a possible visit (in-person or virtual). I hope I get the chance to connect with you all soon!
photo credit: Alex Wescott, Frankfurt International School